How do bee and wasp stings differ?

What’s the difference between a bee sting and wasp sting? I know bee stingers are barbed and stay in, but what about the poison? For a bee, a sting is all or nothing; the bee loses its stinger and injects a relatively large volume of venom — typically about 50 micrograms. A wasp, which retains

Carpenter Ants cause $80,000 in Damage

Fire Lt. Fred Godawa of Daytona Beach blamed a recent fire on a carpenter ant colony.  According to this fireman, the ants had build a large home around the electrical outlets in the wall.  When the ants hit an electrical wire, the electrical shock ignited the ants, shoot out of the outlet and caught the

Bed Bugs at Move-In – Reduce Your Risk

If you are a landlord, property management company or hotel operator, your best defense is to have a professionally prepared, written Bed Bug Action Plan which includes education, preventative detection using inspections, and well maintained archives of bed bug activity in your location. For landlords and apartment owners this may also involve a 'Pre-Rental Inspection'

Stop Bugging Me on Groupon this Week!

Check it out. Stop Bugging Me Pest Control is on Groupon this week. Exterior And Interior Pest Treatments From Stop Bugging Me Pest Control. Two Options Available. SecondsBefore professional pest controllers, the only way you could get a rodent to leave your home was to buy it a miniature red convertible and convince it to

Stop Bugging Me Pest Control – TV Commercial

This commercial has been receiving a lot of airtime recently both on youtube and being picked up in the blogosphere.  We have a series of 3 commercials presently.  One focusing on carpenter ants, one on rodents, one on wasps.  They might not be the most highly produced pest control commercial s you've ever seen, but